Flourish Counselling


About Me

My Approach

I am a qualified counsellor with a degree in Humanistic Counselling and a BA (Hons) in Counselling. My practice integrates Person Centred and Gestalt theories and Existential philosophy. My client work is also informed by Attachment Theory and Transactional Analysis. I have also gained some knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques. This combined learning enables me to offer therapy to suit the individual as opposed to offering only one fit for all.

Working from a Humanistic approach, we will focus upon what is happening for you in the present, however, past experiences and relationships clearly affect our present so these are explored as they arise. I take the lead from my client and work at their pace and gently challenge when appropriate to facilitate different/new perspectives and to help increase self awareness.

I have an advanced certificate in Couples Therapy. My training is approved by the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists. I have also undertaken further training in Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity.

I am a warm, empathic and genuine person, as a therapist I meet my clients as equals not as their expert.

dock at sunset

My Experience

My experience has been developed from working with many different clients experiencing different challenges over the last nine years in my private practice at The Eaves, Godalming. This includes working with IAPT (NHS) clients in short term therapy, referred to me via The Eaves.

I also spent many years working with Bereaved/Pre- Bereaved clients and their families as a staff counsellor at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham. During this time, I offered 1-1 counselling support both on site and in the community. I planned and facilitated bereavement groups. My work often involved supporting clients through their adjustment to illness, losses and grief alongside supporting a wide range of other issues and challenges.

I was responsible for undertaking the counselling assessments to establish the patients and their families emotional needs. I then allocated them to the most suitable staff, volunteer counsellor or be-friender. I qualified as a counselling supervisor and provided clinical supervision to both qualified and trainee counsellors in groups and 1-1.

I enjoy working with young people and gained valuable experience of working as a volunteer counsellor for the Youth Counselling Service in Guildford (NHS/Virgin Care).


Certificate in Diversity Within Contemporary Relationships (Inter-action Training and Consultancy, NCIP Accred)

Advanced Certificate in Couples Therapy (Inter-action Training and Consultancy, COSRT Approved)

PG Diploma in Counselling Supervision (Surrey Counselling Training)

Ba Hons in Counselling (University of Greenwich)

Foundation Degree in Humanistic Counselling (University of Greenwich)

NCFE Levels Counselling Skills 1, 2, 3 (Guildford College)

Further Training

I am committed to my own continued professional development and have attended, and continue to attend, a wide range of additional training training to enhance my practice as a psychotherapist. I have regular clinical supervision which is a requirement of my professional body membership. My own supervision supports my work with clients and supervisees and ensures that the support I offer is both effective and ethical.

Professional Body Membership

I am an Accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and adhere to their guidelines for ethical practice, which includes regular supervisory support for my client work.


"If I can provide a certain type of relationship, the other person will discover within himself the capacity to use that relationship for growth, and change and personal development will occur" Rogers (1961:33)

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